Assets for Development

A program to serve local development


Assets for Development aimed at promoting the recovery of disused real estate assets for reuse in social or business projects, in collaboration with institutions, non-profit organizations, or companies.

As part of Adif's business strategy inspired by corporate responsibility and sustainability (see Social SustainabilityExternal link to the portal.Will open in a new tab. ), the definition of this project has taken into account, on the one hand, the potential represented by buildings that have ceased to fulfill their railway function (generally former stations) and, on the other hand, the needs and issues facing society, especially the challenge posed by the problem of rural depopulation, generally referred to as the "Empty Spain" phenomenon.

We consider that Adif's disused assets can and should be made to serve economic and social development in the regions where they are located. This is our desire and the ultimate goal of the Program.

Who is it for?


The Program has special lease prices available to legal entities and individuals*:

  • Entrepreneurs, companies, cooperatives and self-employed workers.
  • Associations, NGOs and other non-profit organizations.
  • Local, provincial and regional institutions.

If you represent this type of organization, you can present projects of a commercial and/or social nature at any time throughout the year. 

* In the case of bidding for a requested property, demonstrable economic solvency will be required.

Property finder

Do you have any suggestions?

Proposal evaluation principles
The proposals for property leasing will be evaluated by Adif according to principles in line with the purpose and focus of the Assets for Development Program. Consequently, social, economic and environmental aspects of the projects of the candidates will be taken into account, applied both from the perspective of the nature of the activity to be developed and the impact that such an activity would have on the environment.

In view of the above, the principles of Social Responsibility and Sustainability for the evaluation of the proposals are as follows:

  • Technical-economic feasibility of the project
  • Social impact on the environment (jobs, attraction of resources, etc.)
  • Nature of the activity and the application of social and environmental aspects in terms of:
    • Type of product or service in the project
    • Accessibility for people with disabilities
    • Consideration of groups at risk of exclusion
    • Energy efficiency
    • Circular economy and waste management
    • Etc.
  • Partnerships and collaborative proposals

In addition, if the proposal is accepted, the lease will be negotiated applying conditions that facilitate the viability of the project: long-term rental, possibility of a grace period, minimum social rent in accordance with the legal framework, etc.

Application form for participating in the Program

If you are interested in any of the properties included in the Program send us the form with your details by selecting in the drop-down: ASSETS FOR DEVELOPMENT. We will contact you.

We will only process proposals related to the properties in the Program, each of which has an assigned reference in the database that must be included on the form.

Please, before developing a proposal, confirm with the property manager the availability of the property you are interested in. The information on available properties is updated periodically, but it is possible that a property in the Program is already committed at the time of the inquiry because the leasing commitment has occurred after the last Program database update. The properties remain available until a firm proposal is received from the entity or interested party.

Experiencias de éxito

  1. Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid) converted into a Bar-Restaurant. Presentation slide.
  2. Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). Previous condition.
  3. Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 1
  4. Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 2
  5. Olvera Station (Cadiz). Presentation slide. Converted into a Hotel-Restaurant, next to the La Sierra greenway.
  6. Olvera Station (Cadiz). Old picture.
  7. Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 1
  8. Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 2
  9. Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 3
  10. Dock in Toral de los Vados Station (León). Converted into the Municipal Library.
  11. Villarrubia Station (Cordoba): Now a Day Centre for the Elderly.
  12. Ayamonte Station (Huelva): Converted into a drug addiction rehabilitation center.
  13. Cañada del Hoyo Station: Converted into an International Artist Residence.
  14. Cañada del Hoyo Station. Previous state.
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Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid) converted into a Bar-Restaurant. Presentation slide.
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid) converted into a Bar-Restaurant. Presentation slide.
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). Previous condition.
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). Previous condition.
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 1
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 1
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 2
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 2
Olvera Station (Cadiz). Presentation slide. Converted into a Hotel-Restaurant, next to the La Sierra greenway.
Olvera Station (Cadiz). Presentation slide. Converted into a Hotel-Restaurant, next to the La Sierra greenway.
Olvera Station (Cadiz). Old picture.
Olvera Station (Cadiz). Old picture.
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 1
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 1
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 2
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 2
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 3
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 3
Dock in Toral de los Vados Station (León). Converted into the Municipal Library.
Dock in Toral de los Vados Station (León). Converted into the Municipal Library.
Villarrubia Station (Cordoba): Now a Day Centre for the Elderly.
Villarrubia Station (Cordoba): Now a Day Centre for the Elderly.
Ayamonte Station (Huelva): Converted into a drug addiction rehabilitation center.
Ayamonte Station (Huelva): Converted into a drug addiction rehabilitation center.
Cañada del Hoyo Station: Converted into an International Artist Residence.
Cañada del Hoyo Station: Converted into an International Artist Residence.
Cañada del Hoyo Station. Previous state.
Cañada del Hoyo Station. Previous state.


Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid) converted into a Bar-Restaurant. Presentation slide.
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). Previous condition.
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 1
Old Casilla de la Aguada (Valladolid). View 2
Olvera Station (Cadiz). Presentation slide. Converted into a Hotel-Restaurant, next to the La Sierra greenway.
Olvera Station (Cadiz). Old picture.
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 1
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 2
Olvera Station (Cadiz). View 3
Dock in Toral de los Vados Station (León). Converted into the Municipal Library.
Villarrubia Station (Cordoba): Now a Day Centre for the Elderly.
Ayamonte Station (Huelva): Converted into a drug addiction rehabilitation center.
Cañada del Hoyo Station: Converted into an International Artist Residence.
Cañada del Hoyo Station. Previous state.
For further information