
Integral Security Concept

We keep comprehensive safety in mind, being aware that it affects each and every one of our activities through the improvement of procedures and the application of new methods and technologies.
  • We continue to deploy initiatives aimed at improving comprehensive security: operational, environmental, civil protection, occupational health, cybersecurity…
  • We improve the protection of our facilities aided by the use of new technologies.
  • We continue with the maximum security policy for people with prevention policies, including both users and employees.
  • We increase protection and security measures for systems with new cybersecurity mechanisms.
  • We deepen environmental protection by increasing and improving preventive measures.
Responsive Image

Operational safety

Continuous improvement of the levels of safety, quality and efficiency in the circulation of trains and maneuvers.
Adif, in its administration of the railway infrastructures within the RFIG, has as a mission the development and administration of a safe, efficient and quality public service railway infrastructure system, declaring as the main value and reference for all its activity the continuous improvement of the levels of safety, quality and efficiency in the movement of trains and maneuvers.
Proof of this concern for safety is the constant action on all the elements that are relevant to it.
  • The safe design, construction, maintenance and operation of the Railway Network managed by Adif.
  • Compliance with current national and community regulations and legislation, applicable in their activity.
  • The promotion and development of a safety culture within the organization, promoting a safety environment for citizens, employees, customers, contractors and operators, in close collaboration with national and community authorities.
Actions to achieve Traffic Safety objectives
  • Application of its own Traffic Safety Management System, supported by prevention, continuous improvement and development of corrective measures.
  • Management based on the responsibilities and competencies of the staff.
  • Continuous training, participation, information and awareness of personnel, as essential elements to guarantee competence and adequate performance of their tasks.
  • Application of procedures to comply with the technical and operating standards of the infrastructure, facilities and equipment of the lines during their life cycle.
  • Application of procedures and methods to carry out risk assessment and implement mandatory control measures.

Traffic Safety Management System: SGSC

Civil protection and emergency management

Safety, understood as a comprehensive management of all the processes that make safe transport possible, includes, among others, risk management, contingency resolution, emergency management and return to normality.

Prevention, as well as the detection or materialization of a certain risk, makes it necessary to coordinate with the emergency intervention services of the different Public Administrations

For this, while it is updated and improved, theEmergency Action Master Plan (PDAE)is implemented, with which it is intended to provide a comprehensive response to any emergency that affects Adif and / or Adif-Alta Velocidad, regardless of whether or not it affects rail traffic.
Centro de Autoprotección y Seguridad (CASH24)
900 10 40 40
24 horas al día los 365 días del año

The Adif service and information center will collect the personal and contact details of the person requesting the service.

Within a period of no more than 3 business days, an Adif representative will contact the person who made the call, informing him or her of the formalities and procedures that the affected person or family member may raise, up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity, accompanying and advising the victim or family member throughout the process.

Atención a afectados por arrollamiento
900 84 20 63
24 horas al día los 365 días del año

The Adif service and information center will collect the personal and contact details of the person requesting the service.

Within a period of no more than 3 business days, an Adif representative will contact the person who made the call, informing him or her of the formalities and procedures that the affected person or family member may raise, up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity, accompanying and advising the victim or family member throughout the process.

Work safety

Adi's preventive policy

Among the main projects that we develop in the field of Comprehensive Security is Adif's Preventive Policy.

Consistent with the Corporate Responsibility Statement, respectful of the comprehensive safety of the railway system and the Environment, we extend these principles to the external sphere and to relations with its stakeholders.

Principles of the occupational risk prevention policies



The management of Information Security in the Entity is articulated through the development and implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) whose scope is the protection of information systems and communications networks that support the activities and business processes of Adif, and to comply with legal obligations.

The ISMS allows for managing and controlling the Information Security in Adif to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information based on the application of a risk management process, and to be able to manage the necessary security requirements, according to the criticality of the information, the different activities and processes.

Environmental safety

Environmental safety is based on two lines of action:
  • Legal compliance assurance
  • Increased eco-efficiency
Adif and Adif Alta Velocidad have established an Environmental Policy that develops the Vision, Mission and Values of the company and constitutes the highest level document in terms of environmental commitment.