Information of legal relevance

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Functions and basic regulations

Adif is responsible for managing a large part of rail infrastructure investments and running the General Interest Rail Network. Adif is generally governed by the Railway Sector Act.

Adif plays a key role of stewardship in the railway industry, facilitating access to infrastructure under fair conditions. Its goal is to promote Spanish railway transport by developing and running safe, efficient, and environmentally sustainable infrastructure to the highest standards of quality.

Adif oversees:
  • Administration of rail infrastructure (e.g. tracks, stations, freight terminals)
  • Management of railway traffic
  • Allocation of capacity to railway operators
  • Collection of fees for the use of infrastructure, stations and freight terminals
All this is enshrined in our commitment of social responsibility to the general public.This social responsibility is underpinned by ethical principles related to the company's management and its role in society.Transparency and stakeholder engagement are the backbone, and the ultimate goal is to contribute, from an integrated perspective, to the sustainable development provided by our activity.
Statute of the public business entity Railway Infrastructure Managar (ADIF, as per ...
The Network Statement sets out the characteristics of the infrastructure made available to railway companies and contains information on the conditions to access it.

Guidelines, instructions, agreements, circulars and other documents with legal effects

A continuación, se recoge, entre otra, la normativa estatal y europea más significativa, sin perjuicio de cualquier otra que pudiera ser de aplicación:

State regulations

EU regulations

Más información

Puedes encontrar más información relativa a:
  • ​​​​​​​Anteproyectos de Ley y proyectos de Decretos Legislativos sobre el ferrocarril promovidos por el Ministerio de Fomento.
  • ​​​​​​​Proyectos de Reglamentos ferroviarios promovidos por ADIF.
  • Memorias e informes aportados por ADIF a los expedientes de elaboración de los textos normativos.
  • ​​​​​​​Documentos sometidos a un período de información pública
​​​​​​​En la web del Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana

Subsidies and public aid granted

Training scholarships
Training scholarships for applicants of official announcements TE0116, FC0116 and EL0116.