Liberalization of the Railway Sector Summary
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As in other areas, Adif maintains the commitments acquired and manages certain Adif High Speed services to provide them.
Liberalization of the railway sector
ADIF has contributed to the Railway Sector Liberalization with two main projects:
- By streamlining the issuance of the reports to the Ministry of Public Works necessary for the concession to railway companies of the Licences and Authorisations to operate in the General Interest Railway Network (REFIG).
- By reducing the legal timeframe for the Authorisations of Siding Connection to the General Interest Railway Network (REFIG).
Concession of Licences, Authorisations and Safety Certificate.
Información disponible desde la página web de la AESF
Authorisations of Siding Connections to the RFIG
List of companies with privately owned railway infrastructures for the execution of connections with the General Interest Railway Network, location of connections, activity and authorisation dates.
Authorisations of siding connections to the RFIG
Report december 2024