Información general y otros servicios en estaciones
Objetos perdidos
Perder o encontrar un objeto en las estaciones y trenes es algo frecuente, no porque todos los que utilizan estos servicios sean despistados, sino por el elevado número de viajeros que se desplazan por ferrocarril o transitan por las terminales.
Adif ha puesto en marcha un nuevo sistema para la localización de aquellos objetos que se echan en falta y que probablemente se hayan podido olvidar en el viaje.
Este servicio, adicional al que puedan tener los operadores de viajeros, aprovecha las ventajas que ofrece la tecnología por medio de una aplicación informática para que al usuario le sea más fácil conocer si el objeto extraviado se ha dejado en depósito a Adif.
En esta sección se encuentra el enlace al servicio de objetos de Adif, donde también se puede acceder para avisar de que se ha localizado un bien que pertenece a otra persona. La aplicación guiará al usuario ya sea para depositarlo y que su dueño pueda encontrarlo o para que quien lo ha perdido pueda localizarlo.
Este servicio, adicional al que puedan tener los operadores de viajeros, aprovecha las ventajas que ofrece la tecnología por medio de una aplicación informática para que al usuario le sea más fácil conocer si el objeto extraviado se ha dejado en depósito a Adif.
En esta sección se encuentra el enlace al servicio de objetos de Adif, donde también se puede acceder para avisar de que se ha localizado un bien que pertenece a otra persona. La aplicación guiará al usuario ya sea para depositarlo y que su dueño pueda encontrarlo o para que quien lo ha perdido pueda localizarlo.
Security and access to boarding areas
In order to guarantee the safety of people, the continuity of operations and the preservation of elements and facilities against security threats, Adif and Adif AV have implemented procedures and instruments in their facilities that allow the detection and control of any type of prohibited object that could be potentially dangerous, preventing it from being introduced into the restricted areas.
For this purpose, signs shall be displayed at the security checkpoint lines for access to the boarding area in stations, indicating the regulations on the restriction of objects with which people can access stations.
It is forbidden to pass this checkpoint with objects that are not permitted. Security personnel may not take possession of them. For this purpose, one or more specific containers will be available near the control line for anyone affected to deposit these items into. These containers have an “anti-fishing” device and are labeled “FOR DESTRUCTION”.
Passengers may not access the departure lounges with luggage, packages or suitcases that are not properly closed or packed, or with bottles or containers of any kind that contain liquid or food that are not hermetically sealed.
For this purpose, signs shall be displayed at the security checkpoint lines for access to the boarding area in stations, indicating the regulations on the restriction of objects with which people can access stations.
It is forbidden to pass this checkpoint with objects that are not permitted. Security personnel may not take possession of them. For this purpose, one or more specific containers will be available near the control line for anyone affected to deposit these items into. These containers have an “anti-fishing” device and are labeled “FOR DESTRUCTION”.
Passengers may not access the departure lounges with luggage, packages or suitcases that are not properly closed or packed, or with bottles or containers of any kind that contain liquid or food that are not hermetically sealed.
Objetos no permitidos
Firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles:
- Firearms if they are not accompanied by a license and proof of ownership.
- Toy guns, replica firearms and imitation firearms that could be mistaken for real weapons.
- Compressed air or CO2 weapons, such as BB guns and shotguns, pellet rifles and pistols.
- Flare guns and “starter” or signal guns.
- Crossbows, bows and arrows.
- Harpoons and fishing rifles.
- Paintball guns, etc.
Blunt objects that may be especially dangerous for the physical integrity of people
- Clubs, bludgeons.
- Martial arts equipment (knuckledusters, nunchucks, kubatons, etc.), etc.
Sharp or pointed objects
- Rapier-sticks.
- Daggers.
- Switchblades.
- Razors and knives with blades longer than 6 cm.
- Sabers, swords, machetes.
- Scissors with blades that extend more than 6 cm from the shaft, etc.
Explosive, flammable, chemical or toxic substances
- Ammunition, except that which is carried in the magazines of weapons by members of the Security Forces, the Armed Forces, the National Intelligence Centre (CNI) and holders of a type B firearms license.
- Percussion caps.
- Detonators.
- Gas and gas cylinders.
- Paint sprayers.
- Mines, grenades and other explosive charges for military use.
- Flammable liquid fuels.
- Pressurized containers, etc.
Some exceptions
Some exceptions
The list of objects not permitted in this section is not exhaustive, and other objects which, due to their characteristics, may be considered to constitute a risk to the safety of persons, the continuity of operations and the preservation of the elements and installations may be included.
Cold, historical and other weapons
Sabers, machetes, historical weapons or others that are part of the statutory equipment of duly accredited Security Forces and Bodies or Armed Forces personnel.
Handicraft items that may be considered as bladed weapons, provided that they have been purchased within 72 hours (period to be justified with the purchase invoice) and provided that they are properly packaged and sealed by the shop where they were purchased, may be admitted to the security checkpoints.
The person carrying them must identify themselves.
Sabers, machetes, historical weapons or others that are part of the statutory equipment of duly accredited Security Forces and Bodies or Armed Forces personnel.
Handicraft items that may be considered as bladed weapons, provided that they have been purchased within 72 hours (period to be justified with the purchase invoice) and provided that they are properly packaged and sealed by the shop where they were purchased, may be admitted to the security checkpoints.
The person carrying them must identify themselves.
Sporting weapons
People carrying weapons used in sports will be able to pass these through the security control as long as they are properly packed (weapons must be in a case and without ammunition). You must also present the weapons license, the weapon ownership and documentary proof of being a member of a federation in said sport.
People carrying weapons used in sports will be able to pass these through the security control as long as they are properly packed (weapons must be in a case and without ammunition). You must also present the weapons license, the weapon ownership and documentary proof of being a member of a federation in said sport.
Work tools
Work tools that are sharp, pointed or blunt, may be transported duly packed, by personnel who document their profession and their need to transport them for that use. The person transporting them must identify themselves.
Work tools that are sharp, pointed or blunt, may be transported duly packed, by personnel who document their profession and their need to transport them for that use. The person transporting them must identify themselves.
Funeral urns
Access with funeral urns is permitted when the urn has an anti-breakage closure, is appropriate in its characteristics and is properly covered, so that it is not identifiable as a funeral urn. A copy of the death and crematorium certificates should be available.
Aparcamiento seguro de bicicletas y patinetes
- Las siguientes estaciones disponen de un aparcamiento seguro de bicicletas y patinetes, el cual se encuentra en el exterior del edificio de la estación de viajeros, por lo que puede utilizarse 24 h/365 días.
- El bicihangar es cerrado, cubierto y con capacidad para seis bicicletas. Está preparado para un uso intensivo y protege las bicicletas de condiciones climatológicas adversas, robos y vandalismo.
- Este servicio contribuye a una movilidad energéticamente eficiente y de cero emisiones, así como a la intermodalidad de transporte sostenible en entornos urbanos (Programa Ecomilla de Adif)

Relación de estaciones con aparcamiento seguro de bicicletas y patinetes
Condiciones del servicio
La primera vez que uses el aparcamiento seguro de bicicletas deberás
Descargar la App de Don Cicleto en Apple Store o Google Play y otorgar permisos de ubicación para elegir el aparcamiento que desees.
Descargar la App de Don Cicleto en Apple Store o Google Play y otorgar permisos de ubicación para elegir el aparcamiento que desees.
Precios Don Cicleto:
- La primera media hora es gratuita.
- Consulta los precios y promociones disponibles en la app.